So many things to comment on in this post. First of all, I bin telling you ova and ova …The Universe listens. It’s sending you a message (in a bag).

I love that your dad carried a purse ….kinda like Joey Tribiani carrying a purse for his sandwich and other important things. I love that he gangsta’ she purse and wear it wid pride. :) support for creativity is so rare and so wonderful.

Love the post.

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Oooh, thank you for reminding me how the Universe listens. It sure feels that way today too. I was working in the garden and the next door neighbour came over to chat, and his mother too, and I gave them lemon grass and it felt so right.

Hehe it look like me daadee been ahead of he time, walking with girly bag. I have a feeling them chaps in those days were like that, they didn’t care.

I could be wrong but I think there was far more support for creativity back then, ask your mama.

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Oh your dad didn’t care a toss about those one-dimensional voices! I love it and him, as well as the lady bag. Keep on carrying on.

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Jack, he and his brothers also for their children, especially daughters, to “take their education.” Heh.

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This whole post was like eating good food and licking your fingers afterwards.

Thank you for sharing this story, and putting the breadcrumbs down for some of the ones to come.

Oftimes when we are stuck in moments of darkness we forget that we ever knew something called light, I believe your writing is one of the lights you hold and I'm blessed that you choose to share it here.

I am sated with the deliciousness of this text. It's more that reading, it's a sense of being, seeing, and knowing - so many flavours in this serving.

Thank you, neena.

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And thank you, Marjorie. This, what you’ve said here, I will carry like a lamp…you speak of light…what you’ve said here is like that for me. I’m smiling big, big, big smiles.

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