Oh GG! What a delightfully well-crafted piece this is! It's engaging and entertaining for sure, but it's also profound. Yesss I agree, please continue selling your sass YOUR way. To borrow your own line from this post - “You go, gal! You work your different thing, yeah!”
I already thought you were a good writer, but this piece is not only better than your usual, it’s better than almost everybody’s usual.
Karl, I’m going for a walk and I’m going to walk on air. You have made my day. Thank you, thank you. 😊
Most ceative people have suffered from this. Well done for pointing it out and a pox on all those copycats.
Pat, sometimes, I’m caught between pity for, and anger at, those who copy from others.
The educated people who copy don’t deserve pity. The pox on them.
But those poor, uneducated people struggling to make ends meet, who follow other people’s ideas, I tend to forgive.
Oh GG! What a delightfully well-crafted piece this is! It's engaging and entertaining for sure, but it's also profound. Yesss I agree, please continue selling your sass YOUR way. To borrow your own line from this post - “You go, gal! You work your different thing, yeah!”
Thank you, thank you, G. And now my day is made.